“There ain't no coming back…”

If you are here it means, maybe, that you are an artist. I want to talk to you about the tools I use. I hope this helps you in your journey.

When I draw digitally I tend to use the app CLIP STUDIO PAINT 2.0. The CSP workspace in my desktop (Windows 10) PC is set up like this:

Some of the reasons as to why it’s set up like this are that I’m right-handed and I like to use specific sizes of brushes, similar to the ones I use when I draw on paper

I use a Wacom Cintiq Pro 32" with a Classic Pen (and a felt nib), and an 8bitdo Zero 2 bluetooth gamepad.

I use the gamepad for shortcuts in CSP.

You can download my template for comics here and the brush I use for pencils and inks here. It’s based on the pencil brush created by RedJuice. My good friend Pepe Larraz recommended it to me. You can also download this blank template for a 22 page comic.

When I draw on paper I use Bristol Smooth 250 grams paper. (Several companies manufacture this kind of paper, it’s very easy to find.)

I mainly use red or orange-colored pencils (Prismacolor Col-Erase) and a variety of markers (Micron 08, Edding 3000, Sakuras, Faber-Castell Pit Pens, etc).

I do encourage you to also use the cheapest materials possible so you are comfortable working with anything, anywhere. I’ve drawn plenty with a Bic ballpen or an IKEA pencil on 80 grams printer paper, random notebooks, napkins...

Don’t forget to date your markers to keep track of the state of their nibs (!).

If you have any questions that you think I can answer go ahead and send me an email (but know that it might take me a while to reply).

Best of luck with your comics, I’m looking forward to reading them.

“Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife - chopping off what's incomplete and saying: 'Now, it's complete because it's ended here.’”
